Monday, September 27, 2010

Human Bot Fly

Bot flies are probably the grossest animals I will be talking about on this blog. I was at my uncle's house watching t.v. when I flipped the channel and saw a picture of a guy with like seven bot flies IN his back. It was really disgusting, but it gave me the idea to write about them. I won't be posting any pictures of bot flies because they can be very disturbing, but if you want to see some, just go on google and type in bot flies. You will get some gross pictures.

There are different types of bot flies, but today I will only be talking to you about human bot flies (you don't want to read about bot flies in rabbits). Bot flies are indigenous to parts of Mexico, Central and South America. Adult bot flies tend to lay their eggs on mosquitoes and the eggs hatch when the mosquito starts to feed on the host. When the eggs hatch, the larvae begin to burrow into the host's skin. The hole that they create is called a warble, which allows the larvae to breathe while they feed on the host.

Common signs of bot flies include pain or discomfort (you're going to feel something while they make your body their home), a growing bump, and swelling and redness. People native to the areas where bot flies originated are used to bot fly infections and treat them by using a lighted cigarette to draw the larvae out of the host. The smoke forces the larvae to come out to breathe.

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